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PNG Opposition Continues to Question Govt's Budget

The Papua New Guinea  Opposition said the requirements that would have enabled the passage of the 2021 budget in a single day were not met.

Leader Belden Namah released a statement yesterday, saying the Opposition has received independent legal advice that adds to the growing list of irregularities surrounding the passage of the 2021 national budget on Tuesday, November 17th, 2020.

He said the government had 50 MPs, which was not the required minimum of 56 members to pass the Budget.

Mr. Namah said that Bills were not circulated to all members of Parliament, and Budget documents were not in the Chamber for any member to evaluate the legislation before voting.

The government last week passed the 2021 national budget with 50 MPs when Speaker Job Pomat reconvenes Parliament.

Prime Minister James Marape said last Thursday that the government had 50 members and will continue its mandate by providing leadership for the country.

Mr. Marape said it's the Opposition's right to go to court and the government will defend its actions in Court.


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