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Queen Emma Chocolate ramps up production in PNG

PNG Paradise Company Ltd the parent company of Paradise Foods says the company is on track to build a world class diversified food company.

Mr. Anthony Smaré, the Chairman of the Board of Paradise Company says they have identified the five main strategic growth drivers of the entire business and structured the operating companies to best achieve this, along with identifying new market segments can enter using their combined strength.

The existing categories of Biscuits, Cooking Oil, Ice Cream, Snacks, and Bottled Water have plenty of head space for growth, whilst our specialist chocolate factory is showing remarkable growth.”

Paradise Company Ltd., CEO Mr. James Rice announced Queen Emma Chocolate Company (QECC) has doubled the production shifts to cater for the increasing sales success of PNG’s very own made chocolate.

Queen Emma Chocolate introduced a second 8 hour shift in August after a rigorous training induction, to ensure the highest production standards are maintained.

Also Mr. Rice explained now that the emNAU 85g pack is being introduced, other initiatives will follow.

Mr. Rice mentioned that Paradise Foods Ltd., and Laga Industries are developing a joint plan to increase local manufacture of PNG’s favorite cooking oil, Highland Meadows.

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