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NRI Preliminary Report on Bougainville referendum

The future of Bougainville’s self-determination will be determined by both the ABG and National Government through an informed and credible process.

A preliminary report on a research being conducted by the National Research Institute of PNG on the Referendum states that this is a significant national event that will impact the wellbeing of the people of Bougainville and of PNG.

It is with these sentiments that much have to be considered.

Lead researcher, Dr Thomas Webster says The Peace Agreement, Autonomy and Referendum Issues are not understood by a majority of people from Bougainville and PNG

He adds that The Referendum and its implications for the welfare of the people of Bougainville and of PNG have not been adequately considered.

Dr Webster has urged that preparations for the Referendum essential for a credible process and an outcome respected by all parties.

From the preliminary research findings the ABG and the National Government have much to accomplish in making the people in Bougainville and PNG become referendum ready.

The ABG has always insisted the implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement is the way forward but there are considerations that both governments must look at.

These include learning from previous referendums throughout the world and fostering cooperation by all stakeholders.
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