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Education department still investigating Contractors claims : Kondra

Contractors blocked off Fincorp Haus 
The Acting Sectary for Education Dr Uke Kombra has made it clear today that neither he nor the Minister will address the disgruntled contractors that have been fronting up at the Fincorp Haus this week.
“I explained to the contractors last year during a meeting that the claims that they made was a lot and some of these claims were bogus while others were genuine, which is why we referred the matter to the National Fraud and Anti Corruption Unit to investigate” said Dr Kombra
He said they’ve spoken to the leaders of the contractors last year and they’ve all agreed to assist with the investigations for this year but he is unsure if this was clearly understood.
“The NEC has authorised for the law enforcers to deal with this case and to find out which claims are genuine and which were bogus and the Education Department cannot do anything right now when the matter is before the law enforcers” said Dr Kombra.
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