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Dysfunctional Democracy From British - PNG Remains Entrenched in a Social Cave for 46 years on

Opinion :  By Bill K. LATA

How respected is democracy during election periods in PNG? How democratic are our leaders in making fiscal decisions? Can women’s under-representation in democratic PNG politics be explained? Why are some of our marginalized citizens in the remotest parts of our country not given a fair chance for voting? Can we trust those political parties (and their leaders) that have been implicated in corrupt allegations and more so those parties that rigged the elections in power tussles to really become democratic the next? What really are some hardest questions to ask about democracy in PNG? How best has this representative democracy worked for PNG over the last 46 years? 

By Bill K. LATA

In my naive view, adopting Uncontrolled Democracy upon independence by young, fragile and ungroomed PNG was a dumbest, illogical and misguided concept ever. Most irritating ordeal that makes me thinking is when we think we have free water, free air, free food and we are free in our land - when politically and economically trapped in the ploys of our neo-colonists!

For democracy, Greece philosopher Cleisthenes introduced the concept as a form of government around 508 BC with believe that Freedom and Dignity are the idealisms of humanity, and thereby to give power to the people. 

However, another Greek philosopher in Socrates, iddentified loopholes in the concept of democracy that giving power to people, especially the majority at the bottom who are primitive, uneducated, needy and marginalized, is a catastrophe in itself. Socrates argued so very vividly that uncontrolled democracy in the society is misguided as it’d lead to demagoguery – a situation in which rich, powerful, charismatic and sweet-talkers will fool the poor mass and maneuver the system to their advantage thereby defeating the original intend of the democracy. 

Kicks your nerve somewhere and reminds you of situation so similar in PNG?

Why then did British more aggressively made democracy a prerequisite form of governance for gaining independence by all its colonies in the late 60s and early 70s during decolonization periods? It was a ploy with deliberate efforts by capitalist-oriented neo-colonists to keep us bounded under their control. Remember that someone’s weakness is someone’s lucrative enterprise. 

They knew we black men would abuse the power given the fact that most of our marginalized people at the bottom were politically unconscious and would remain weak, fragile and therefore susceptible to manipulations. It was a deliberate social-engineering to unwittingly introduce us to the “Foreign Aids & Bilateral Trade Ties” system when previous “Salt & Axe” system ended and it remains so to be a biggest fraud against human dignity by the European powers.

More so with the “Model of Constitution” that we brag about saying it is our “home-grown” and “robust” is in fact misconstrued, flawed, and a legal leech that was designed for us by neo-colonists which is threatening our progress and sucking economic wealth out of this country. Our constitution is a colonial relic that act like a suction pump channeling proceeds from our natural resources out of this country. 

It is an unguided and loosened constitution that’s giving someone so dumbest & primitive to the core, who’ve never been to even a kindergarten, an inalienable RIGHT to become the Prime Minister, let alone MP, of this country. That’s how flawed our constitution is, yet we can’t even recognize it!  And that’s the Social Cave that PNG was pushed into!

How then can PNG charter her new future? Learn the lesson from the country as old as America – a pioneer in democracy who at the age of 46 was already competing with the powers of Europe. And the country as young as 56 year old Singapore – yet a growing Tiger in the Asia. One-size democracy is never a best-fit for all! PNG need Political Re-Thinking!

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