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The incorporation of bilum in the fashion industry is catching the interest of many women in Papua New Guinea.
One women of such is bilum fashion designer Pauline Pora-Kama from Hagen who says bilum making has always been her passion and she was always interested in integrating new designs and patterns into billum making not only in making bags but clothing, foot wear straps and other items such as pillow cases and belts.
Pauline has been in the fore front of starting a bilum market in Hagen called ‘Ámbanga Market’ which means Women’s market in the local Hagen language and inspiring the local woman to tap into the bilum fashion industry using their talents and skills to actually generate an income for themselves.
She says advocating and inspiring young girls to tap into this industry is tough given the modern trends and technology that appeals to them however she believes having the passion and commitment can take anyone anywhere.
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