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Samarai Murua District of PNG


General Information
District headquarters: Bwagaoia

Number of LLGs: 4 - Bwanabwana Rural,

Louisiade Rural, Yaleyemba Rural, Murua Rural

Number of wards: 89
About Samarai Murua
This is one of the district of Milne Bay Provinces that covers a large area of ocean and includes the Woodlark, Marshall Bennet, Budibudi, Louisiade and Engineer Islands. It includes a small portion of the southern end of the mainland, including the area around Samarai islands. Mixed staples and coconut cultivation as well as fishing are the main sources of food with low incomes available for trade of these goods and betel nut. Misima Island once provided income earning opportunities and royalties from the goldmine, however, this has ceased since the closure of the mine

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