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Manam Islands was destroyed by volcano. Getty Images 
The Manam Resettlement Project in Madang has reportedly been stalled by the local MP, John Hickey.

This was revealed by the newly- elected President of Iabu Local Level Government, Martin Ururu. 

Ururu, who has been appointed Chairman of Disaster and Manam Issues in the Provincial Executive Council, said work at the resettlement site at Raptuk, inland Bogia has been stalled, as Mr Hickey wants to establish whether proper processes were followed.

The local MP wants to know if the landowners for the areas which the government has identified for resettlement, have been consulted before the actual project starts.

President Ururu is concerned that the halting of the project will further prolong the resettlement process, which has been long overdue.

Attempts to get the Deputy Prime Minister, Leo Dion, who is also the Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs to comment on this report, were not successful.

Similar efforts to get Mr Hickey also failed.
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